Lola Creton - Un amour de jeunesse

Lola Crèton - Un amour de jeunesse (Goodbye First Love)

Lola Créton naked in bed as a guy pulls the covers off to expose full nudity from Lola, revealing her breasts and bush. She then lies on her back with her breasts in view as the guy hands her a rose. Lola then flashes full-frontal nudity again as she gets out of bed and stands in front of a mirrored door with her breasts in view while talking to the guy. In the second scene, Lola Créton sitting on the edge of a bed as a guy sits down next to her and makes out with her. She then lays back after pulling her shirt off, going topless. The guy then pulls her jeans off and we see breasts and bush from Lola while she lies on her back and continues to kiss the guy.

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[imdb id=”tt1618447″ plot=”full”]

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